
Showing posts from September, 2016

Mini Project: Linchpin Bucksaw

This Summer I spent much of my time in the woods (thus the general lack of posting) and needed a bigger saw for processing fire wood. So I figured this would be a good opportunity to learn how to make a simple bucksaw using: some scrap wood, 2 linchpins, some rope and a saw blade. I looked at some pictures in books and online to get a general idea of how to make it and what proportions to use, gathered my materials and got to work. I wanted to stick with basic hand tools to try and see how reasonable it would be to make one in the woods with only the tools on hand. I manly used: a knife, a draw knife, hand drill, hack saw and chisel. The draw knife work could have been  done with a knife, the drill with an awl and most magnesium blocks come with a hacksaw blade. The chisel work might have proved harder with a small bush kit but I usually have at least my chisel knife with me and I am sure other notches might work. My first attempt at using it I used some lighter bank line and...